Monday, October 29, 2012

Chinese Lantern

Latin name: physalis alkekengi
Common names: Love in a Cage, Japanese Lantern, Winter Cherry, Bladder Cherry, Strawberry Tomato, Jews' Cherry
Type of plant: herbaceous perennial
Ruler: Venus
Magickal Uses: Love, passion for life, amiability, endurance and vitality, protection

The herbaceous perennial plant physalis alkekengi – better known as Chinese lantern flowers - is a member of the Nightshade family. The plant is related to physalis peruviana, or the cape gooseberry. Although similar in structure, Chinese lanterns are much larger, and their outer covering is bright orange or red in appearance.

These perennial flowers are indigenous to southeastern Europe and Japan, and grow their best in full sunlight and rich soil. Throughout their period of growth, the Chinese lantern flower will begin as a delicate, five-lobed corolla which will eventually become a faintly green husk that houses a small berry. Over time, the flower will turn an orange or red hue, and will become papery in its texture.

The fruit of Chinese lanterns, which has twice the vitamin C of a lemon, is (in small quantities) quite edible. The flavor of the fruit is considered refreshing and mild, with a sweeter taste than its relative, the tomatillo.and can be turned into sweet, exotic jellies, or simply eaten whole – some even like to eat them dipped in chocolate. Sometimes, however, they can be quite sour. The rest of the plant, especially the leaves and unripe berries, is poisonous and can even be fatal if eaten, containing solanine, the same chemical that makes green potatoes and tomato leaves poisonous.

Although the leaves and unripened berries of this plant are considered poisonous, many people still believe that in small doses they may have potent medicinal properties. These flowers are sometimes used to treat such things as facial paralysis, respiratory ailments, bed-wetting, fevers and even delayed labor.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the calyx and fruits are used against toxic heat, for sore throats, and for thick coughs; they are also pounded into a paste that is spread on eczema. A homeopathic remedy made from the fruit is used in kidney and bladder disease. In Europe, the ripe berries are macerated in wine or vodka to make an extract that is taken for bladder infections. Western allopathic medicine is investigating the anti-tumor capabilities of this plant.

Chinese lantern flowers are frequently grown for their novel appearance, being especially good to see on gloomy fall days. However, these flowers are also grown for a vast array of more useful tasks. They make wonderful cut or dried flowers as these unique blossoms keep their color for long periods of time when dried. Harvest the lanterns for drying when the leaves begin to fade.

Many people like to use the flowers for arts and crafts, They are often woven into wreaths or dried bouquets; they may be pressed into scrap books, jewelry or bookmarks; the intricate dried veins of the husk may also be gently dipped into glue or shellac to harden them, then they may be painted.

Although Chinese lantern flowers may not have an especially large amount of symbolism attached to them, what they do have has made them into an endearing and joyful emblem of warmth. Given that these flowers enfold and defend the small, delicate fruit buried within their husks, they may be the perfect symbol for protection. Their fiery orange red hue denotes a passion for life, amiability, endurance and vitality.

As a gift, these flowers are more commonly given dried or in silk forms. They are sometimes used in wedding bouquets or to decorate ceremonies as an alternative to the more common blossoms.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Other Names:White Lady of Inspiration and Death,  Rvyf Bardoni, Dark Queen Of The Lake, Lady Of The Cauldron.
Alternate Spellings: Ceridwen, Caridwen, Cereduin, Ceredwen, Kerridwen.
Origin: Welsh
Gemstones: Hawks eye, carnelian, coral, agate,  amethyst
Color: White, purple, black, gray, and silver.
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Element: Water and  Fire
Animals: Pig, hen, hawk, salmon
Trees: Apple, hazel
Plants: Vervain and  acorns.
Herbs and essences: blue chamomile, jasmine, vanilla.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Red string of fate

-An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet. regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.

The ancients in China believed in “fatalism,” that amidst the unknown everything in life is predetermined. Hence, it was thought that one should rarely force the issue in matters for fear of creating karma. The Chinese idioms "The Old Man in the Moonlight" and "The Red String that Binds the Predestined People" both come from an ancient parable that illustrates how important events like marriages are predetermined.

According to the parable, Wei Gu of Dulin lost his parents when he was little. He wanted to get married early. However, all his marriage proposals were unsuccessful. In the second year of Zhenguan during Emperor Tang Taizong's reign, on a sightseeing trip to Chinghe, he stayed at a hotel in the southern region of Song City. A traveler brought a prospect with him, the daughter of Pan Fang, a former Chinghe government official. He was invited to meet with the Pan family in front of Longxing Temple, west of the hotel, the next morning.

Very early next morning, Wei Gu, being eager to get married, rushed to the temple. The moon was still lingering high above in the sky when he arrived. There was an old man sitting on the steps, leaning on a bag and reading a book in the moonlight. Wei Gu glanced at the book, but could not recognize the writing. So, he asked the old man, "What kind of book are you reading, sir? Ever since my youth, I've studied many different writings, even Sanskrit. But I've never come across what’s written in this book. What’s it all about?"

The old man smiled and said, "This isn't a book from the human world. How could you have seen it?" Wei Gu asked, "Where does the book come from?" The old man said, "It comes from the netherworld." Then Wei Gu asked, "How can someone from the netherworld appear here?" The old man replied, "It's not that I should not be here, but that you have arrived too early. All officers of the netherworld have jurisdiction over and administer matters in the human world. How can we not be here?"

Wei Gu asked, "Tell me, please, What are you responsible for?" The old man replied, "Marriages in the human world." Wei Gu was elated and said, "My parents died when I was little. I want to get married early to ensure the family name is passed on uninterrupted. However, all my marriage proposals during the last 10-plus years were rejected. Somebody told me about official Pan's daughter. That’s why I am here today. Do you think this marriage will consummate?"

The old man responded, "No. The woman you'll marry has just turned three. She'll be your wife when she turns 17." Wei Gu asked, "What's in your bag?" The old man said, "Red strings used to tie together the feet of couples. Once they are destined to marry each other, I’ll tie their feet together with this red string. Whether these two are foes, polarized by extreme disparity of wealth or poverty, or separated by vast distances, as long as the red string is tied, they will be together. When your feet are tied to hers, why search for another?"

Wei Gu asked, "Who is my wife? Where does she live?" The old man answered, "The girl was born into a family that sells vegetables, north of the hotel." Wei Gu asked, "May I see her?" The old man said, "She is always with the old woman who sells vegetables. Come with me and I'll point her out to you." They waited until sunrise, but the people Wei Gu was supposed to meet at the temple didn't show up that morning. The old man closed the book and picked up the bag. Wei Gu followed the old man to the market.

There they saw an old woman with one eye blind who held a three-year-old girl. Both looked very dirty and ugly. The old man pointed to the girl and said to Wei Gu, "That's your wife." Wei Gu angrily asked, "Can I kill her?" The old man responded, "This girl is destined to be very wealthy and enjoy life’s blessings together with you. How can you kill her?" Then the old man disappeared.

Wei Gu sharpened a knife after he went back home. He gave the knife to his servant and told him, "You've always handled matters well. If you can kill this girl for me, I'll reward you with 10,000 coins." The servant promised to carry out Wei Gu's wish. He went to the market hiding the knife in his sleeve. He waited for a chaotic moment when there were lots of people jostling around. He stabbed the girl and hurried away.

After the servant returned, Wei Gu asked, "Did you stab her?" The servant replied, "I tried to stab her heart, but missed the target, and stabbed her between the eyebrows instead."

Wei Gu continued proposing marriages with no success. Another 14 years went by when, owing to his late father's contacts, he was offered a job working for Wang Tai, a defense officer at Xiangzhou. Wei Gu was put in charge of interrogating prisoners. Wang Tai gave him his daughter's hand in marriage because he found Wei Gu to be quite capable. Wei Gu's wife was between 16 and 17 years old and beautiful. Wei Gu was very pleased. However, he found his wife always put a small artificial flower between her eyebrows and would never remove it, even when taking a bath.

At the end of the year, he asked his wife why she always wore an artificial flower between her eyebrows. She told him in tears, "I'm actually Wang Tai's niece, not his daughter. My father was the head of a county and died in office. I was a baby at the time. My mother and brother died soon after. The only property my parents left me was a house south of the city of Song. I lived there with my nanny, Chen. We survived by selling vegetables. Chen felt sorry for me and always took care of me. When I was three, Chen took me to the market where a crazy man stabbed me between my eyebrows leaving a scar, which I cover up with an artificial flower. About 7 or 8 years later, my uncle came to Lulong to take up a position. He adopted me as his daughter and I moved in with him and subsequently married you."

Wei Gu asked, "Did nanny Chen have one blind eye?" His wife said, "Yes, how did you know?" Wei Gu confessed, "That crazy man was actually sent by me." Then he told his wife the whole story.

Thereafter, the couple became even more respectful of each other. Later they had a son, named Wei Kun, who became the governor of Yanmen. His mother also received high honors from the throne because of him.

Destiny cannot be changed by man. When the mayor of Song City learned about this incident, he named that hotel west of Longxing Temple the "Engagement Hotel."

Ever since then, nuptial intermediaries are referred to as "The Old Man in the Moonlight."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Kelpie

While all water spirits cane be tricky, for the most part they are charming.
But not so the Kelpie. This spirit appears as a Gray horse, which may seem friendly at first, but this is only in order to entice the weary traveler onto its back.
Once astride, the unfortunates magically stuck and the kelpie gallops into the waters and submerging the rider until they drowns.
 Some Kelpies such as the shetland"Noggle" are more mischievous than malevolent.
  But still dangerous to humans.Even other faeries keep away from the Kelpie, and merely see it as a omen of death.
 The Kelpie is essentially is a spirit that Haunts Scottish rivers.

Monday, October 15, 2012

History of Numerology

I sometimes use numerology to help others or give advice. I mean we use numbers daily. Don't we?

Numbers do not always express a quantity but also a quality to each individual number. From 0-9. Are really special and commonly know as well. How many have used or asked for a numerology reading before?

Some ideal cultures use numerology. Such as I Ching which is Japanese. It use nine number into something called a magic box. Also used in feng shui. Tarot cards we all know have numerical value to them. The Qabalah also use numbers which is Hebrew/Jewish. Can you think of other things used in the occult or daily use for numerology? I know I can :)

Pythagoras was one of the first people I know who used numerology. And we thought it was just about a triangle.... He taught a lot of people about numerology. During then his teaching were called philosophy and Mysticism. Later on it came to Pluto the philosopher to study and teach them as well. And so forth.

One of Pythagoras theories was about numbers and how they effect the universe.

He saw that the universe was a vibration. And a example he made was with music. When I first studying his material and came upon this. I was amused that I never made connections with music and the universe. As we all know energy is a vibration of sorts. so in that case. The universe is made of vibrations. But what do vibrations and numerology have in similar?

Pythagoras discovered that music was govern by numbers and that which makes the pitch/tone in music or song. Their are eight notes not including the flat or sharp. That adds more to the existence of numbers. For those who do not play or no musical terms.Sharp and Flat are two other tones that create a different effect to the existing tone.

But with his theory each note is used by a ratio or number to make a sound.

Nature has a lot of math in it self. A lot of people do not notice it but everything in nature as some patter. Take a shell for example... You can count each of the parts or sides etc and find that it follow a pattern. It is geometry in the finest forms.

A geometrical land mark such as the Stone hedge in England. There are 56 pits they are commonly referred as "Aubrey Holes". If you use numerology 56=5+6=11. 11 is a very powerful and influential number and this number often gives and is known for it unique ability for inspiration.

I have learned a lot with mixing numerology and astrology together. often is the most common readings I do. I learned a good portion of this from someone named Sepharail.

In Hebrew Numerology they use numbers from 1-12. I found that if you multiple 3 and 4. It makes since why Hebrews find 12 sacred. Three is the Holy Trinity And Four is of the four basic element of Nature and life.

And 12 is a very common number now a days. 12 numbers on the face of a clock, astrology and so forth.

Something I have always pondered and have yet to find the answer. Could numerology give the number of when we die? 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The power of Kuan Yin

World-Honored One!
May I ask once more
The reason that this holy Bodhisat
Is named as Kuan Yin?
The World-Honored One replied
By uttering this song:

She responds well to all places in all directions!.
The echoes of her holy deeds
Resound throughout the world.
Her broad vows as deep as the ocean.
When, after countless aeons
Of serving countless Buddhas,
She pledged great and pure vows
To liberate afflicted beings.

Now listen carefully to the results.
To hear her name or see her image
Or sincerely and mindfully recite her name,
She delivers beings from every woe.

If someone is malicious
Pushing you into a pit of fire,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
Would turn the pit of fire into a pool!

Were you adrift upon the sea
With dragon-fish and demons around you,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
Would spare you from the hungry waves.

Suppose from Mount Sumeru's peak
Some enemy should cast you down,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
And sun-like you would float in space.

Were you pursued by evil men
And crushed against the Iron Mountain,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
And not a hair would come to harm.

Were you chased by a band of thieves,
Their cruel knives now raised to slay,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
And their minds would immediately develop compassion.

Suppose the King was extremely anger at you,
The headsman's sword upraised to strike,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
Would dash the sword to pieces.

Were you in jail by prison walls,
Your wrists and ankles bound with chains,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
Would instantly obtain release.

Were you cursed or poisoned,
And lay now in the danger,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
Would send the spells back & nullify its poison.

Were you surrounded by demons
Or harmful dragons and ghosts,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
And none would dare to do any harm.

Did savage beasts press all around
With fearful fangs, ferocious claws,
One thought of Kuan Yin's saving power
Would make them run off quickly.

The Lotus sutra

Purifying Fire

No one is free of negativity..... It is a basic fact we all live with. Sometime our habits causes more negativity on us though.These habits can be of you smoking or you spend to much money or you have a habit of letting your anger blow up on others. Perhaps you drive to fast. Their are a lot of reasons you may find that you have a negative habit. You can do this meditation if you are trying or still doing your bad habit. This meditation uses visualizing to help overcome your negative habits.

If you know you have a bad habit that effects you mental, emotional, physically or even spiritual health.... This meditation will help you start anew.

What can come out of this meditation-
Helps you identify how you are harming yourself.
Encourages you to let go of shame and guilt
Also helps supports yourself into taking better care of yourself.

Healing is not just for a physical illness. This will help with you if you are struggling with negative habits.

I use a candle for this exercise.. if you wish to build a fire make sure it is in a safety area. Write down your negative habits you have had in the past or present. Then write down what you feeling about that makes you feel shameful. Or your own regrets.

Have your fire ready and make sure it is safe and will not catch anything on fire. Sit on your meditation cushion if you have one.
Read your list. Review all the things you written down. Some list can take a few pages or simple be one small line.

Visualize your higher power in any form you like. Express your regret for indulging into these negative habits that you have done. Ask for help in your life. To do more postive and constructive ways.

Feel your higher power's love acceptance of you and you are.

Now place your list into the list and watch it slowly burn. As you see it burn visualize your negative habits leaving you.

Let go of the shame by mentally giving it to the fire to be purified.

And commit yourself to living a more positive life.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Practice for a happier Life.

Mediation is not mystical or inaccessible as some of you may have realized. Meditation is very down to earth and practical and it is available to anyone and everyone. And meditation is regardless to your current religious practices. You can meeditatie for any religion. Although many of the meditations are inspired by ancient and modern spirituality practices... None of tthem require a faith!

If you have no spiritual practice or do not believe in a god or higher Power(s) trying meditations with motivation of simply to create a happier life for yourself. You can meditate by simply creating a special time c0nsciously to focus your mind positive and helpful ways. But it helps to have some direction and guidance as to how to do this.

All the techniques in meditations fall in the four basic categorize -

  •     Focusing
  •     Thinking
  •     Visualizing
  •     Experience


In the first meditation technique you focus your mind on an object.  The object can be external- A candle, image of your deity, a flower or it can be internal such as your breath or heart beat. The purpose of this technique is to quiet your mind of its constant thinking and attain peace. Focusing on an object helps you calm and center yourself and stabilize your mind.

As a side benefit because you will find it difficult to stop thinking totally you will observe patterns in your thinking process and your emotions. Which will help you learn more about yourself. Focusing during meditation help you focus on whatever you want in the rest of your life. What type of focusing do you do in your daily life?


Instead of avoiding thoughts in order to calm, stabilize and focus your mind in these meditations you think about a topic. You might be asking to think about a problem you are current having or an issue such as Anger or a lose of someone. As well as virtues you wish to have or develop. Such as kindness or Patience as well as Unconditional Love. You may meditate on a topic by thinking of it of how to make yourself more positive change yourself. In this way you train your mind to be more positive.


Many of the meditation will ask you to visualizing something to create a picture in your mind. Visualizing helps you create your reality, manifest your desires and intentions, change your behavior and even alter your body processes.

For example one of my favorite meditations is Tara meditation you visualizing is a very powerful meditation to remove fear and heal illnesses. Visualizing is a very is a very powerful tool in the mediators tool kit. Do not worry if you feel like you are having an issue visiualizing anything .. With a little practice your visiualizing skills will improve over time.


In some meditation it is requested you to request for whatever comes to you. Like one meditation I will teach you all is of dealing with another person. This meditation is to break barriers between your friendship and intimacy. Or to experience on one of your sense's as well. I love these types because they can make you feel so greatful for things you have.

Each meditation will contain more or one technique may it be of experience or of Focus or Visualizing and thinking. Meditation is great and must be done with constancy preferred.

But you must learn to use meditation to better yourself. Before meditating always set a motive. Before meditating I often suggest someone speaking to themselves out-loud or not about what they wish to accomplish with the meditation


"I wish to do the Tara meditation to get over my fears of Losing love ones."


The Nix are a type of german Water faerie. These beings are rather hard to find or even get a true glimpse for when someone tries to approach them they dive deap into the waters.
Their is a stroy that says during the 1500's at a Fair in Laibach, germany. everyone their was dancing in teh town square near the foutian and their was a Handsome Young Stranger.

The Stranger joined into the dancing of the people. Those who shook his hand had a werid feeling.. The feeling was of a damp chilling sesnation.
Soon he asked the most flirtaitious Girl nameed ursula to dance with him. Everyone stopped to watch the, dance he was so masterfully and yet so light did the young stanger guided is dance parter with so much grace.
Faster and faster they whirled until the company grew giddy watching them. No one had notice they were getting closer and closer to the edge of the dance are until they were almost at the river.
And SUDDENLY the stranger jumped into the waters holding his partner and Ursual was never seen again. However in the Fisherman have reported of seeing the nix there afte the towns people were weary of any stranger who had a cold grip.
The Nixen are not always fatal although their ariee singing may induce madness and they may take human babes and leave changlings behind. Sometimes they mate with humans and resulting child is called an Urchin .Nixen can occasionally help humans by warning of dangers in the water.
They may also teach those brave enough to brave them to play the fiddle in the manner of teh fae... However to be taught the elf kings tune is doomed to fiddle enternallyunless a friend comes by and cuts the strings off teh vilon. The Nixie is the female counterpart of the Nix she behaviors similiar seductive and threatening fashion to the Nix.
It is worthy of the note that while the females water sprites tend to tempt virtuous men, the male Nixen make off with flightly females. Might there be a double standard here? if so, it is not shared with the water sprities. The point is that nixen and Nixies refelcts our own human sexuality, which can mislead or betray us.
Nixen and Nixies follow their our hearts if we are to find magic. But humans and fairy is always a perilious alliance- make your own music, but shield your mortal ears from song of the nix!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


As we all know October is the tenth month in the year. It was originally the eighth month( octo ) of the roman solar calendar.
October is and was known to be sacred to Mars, who is a well known Roman God of war.
Flowers - Cosmos and caledula/marigold.
Birthstones - opal and tourmaline
Goddesses - Hathor and Demeter.  
Zodiacs - Libra and Scorpio,

Other Respects for this month is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Lupus Awareness Month, National Diabetes Month, National Vegetarian Month, Sarcastic Month, Seafood Month.

October 1st
Day of Inspecting: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. It is dealing with fertility from what I recall.
Sacred Day to Fides: Roman holy day. Worship of Fides, the Roman Goddess of faithfulness. This was a very good time to have treaties made. And good to do spells dealing with friends or with someone who is bitter towards you.
World Vegetarian Day - Started in 1977. It is to promote eating fruits and vegtables. As well as to promote others to become vegitarian's.
October 2nd
Columbus Day -October 12, 1492 is when made land to America. It is a day of observation.
October 3rd
Day of the Landing: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. This is a day which Isis and Nephthys are heard weeping over the death of Osiris. It is a day of reppect to Isis and her brother/lover Osiris,
Feast of Dionysus: Roman holy day. Based on the Greek Dionysius. Celebration of wine and theater. Often giving wine to teh gods on this day is often seen.
Ieiunium Cereri - is a day of fasting in respect of Ceres.

(information from

October Magic
 Following the pattern started in September, October. Throughout the month, festivals for the dead increase with the waning light, and late harvest festivals continue. The latter often include propitiation to ensure that the Goddess's abundance will keep people whole through harsh or barren times.

Magical efforts accentuated by October's characteristics include clearing away old, unnecessary things or habits so that our mind, body, and spirit are prepared for winter. Any spells for memory, especially commemorating loved ones, are apt. Beyond this, metaphysical efforts for health, luck, and debt paying seem common, ensuring that winter, the season of rest and death, will come and go with the least negative effect.

(365 Goddesses Patricia Telesco)

Introduction to meditation

If you are new to meditation... You will feel comfortable here. And if you are experienced mediator you may find renewed inspiration. Whether you have never done a meditation or been meditating for some time, I will be offering you a broad selection of simple to complex meditations to enrich your daily life. As well as deepening your spiritual practices!

Now to start off what is Meditation?

Well before I start my explanation of meditation lets seek for the one who started to teach meditation.. Anyone guess who is most famous for teaching meditation?

Original Meditation was taught by Buddha 2,500 years ago. This was one of the first recorded teaching of mediation in ancient history. All due to the ancient meditation of breathing which is so powerful and effective, it is the basis of some many other meditations. Meditation is a very powerful tool for healing Body, Mind and Spirit.
In my lessons ahead you will learn how to use the power of visualization to promote healing and [prevent illnesses. Such as Struggling with addictions or stress. Unhealed childhood trauma or a loss of a family member. Even to the extent of depression meditation will help you on your healing and discovery journey.
What is your major issue in life?
A few meditations I will teach later on is The meditation of the Great Tree which will help you regain health after an illness.You will soon discover meditation is not just sitting on a cushion! Meditation is simply making a choice to focus your mind on something!
Is reading a book meditation?
Is thinking about a argument you had with someone is that a meditation?
Is watching a Movie meditation?
Every second of your life you are creating or construction your reality through what you think about and what you take in from the environment. Over time you develop habits regarding what you think as well as habits regarding what you take in. Since you are meditating all teh time what are you choosing to meditate? Many spiritual traditions utilize the tendency of human beings.Always be thinking... Taking in information and creating experiences.

They conclude why not consciously focus your mind on positive and beneficial subjects.

Silent Night

Before you go to bed at night, alone or with a partner, sit silently, look into the darkness. Become one with the dark, disappear into it. Look at the stars feel the distance, the silence, the emptiness, and use night for your meditation.

Sitting on your bed, or on your balcony, or in your garden, doing nothing...just feeling, just being there. The day is worldly, the night is more spiritual.

Over time you will feel tremendously in tune with night. The world is asleep. Everything stops, traffic, noises, the mundane world is quiet. People, their unconsciousness, bad attitudes, have all disappeared into sleep. The atmosphere is clean with no jarring note.

Spiritual Decision Making

Manifesting your dreams usually involves you making decisions.

The meditation will help you bring a spiritual perspective to your deliberations,

What this meditation will help you?

  • Helps you make the best decisions
  • Encourages tapping into your higher self
  • Integrating the spiritual and material

As I have said decisions can be stressful and difficult, but less so if you engage your higher power in the process. Expanding your scope to include the effect of your decision on your soul and your spirit helps you make decisions that are right for you.

Try this meditation before going to bed if you have an important decision to make, Write about the issues in your upcoming decisions.

I know I did not finish this post but I will add some more if not all of this mediation tonight or tomorrow.

I saw that some one needs help with meditation and someone has done it over two months... No Matter how long you have done it their is always a new method to try such as this one.

When you about to do this meditation : Write about the issues involved in the upcoming decisions.


Sit on a cushion or chair in your meditation space(If you do not know what this is I will explain it later on). Light a candle(One you believe would be of use to the question you seek). Then invoke your Higher power, whomever or whatever it is. Ask for help in making the desicion you are about to consider.
Bring to mind the decision you need to make. For example Whether or not to apply for a second job.
Go over in your mind the material issues such as Salary, status, and such. Then ask yourself how this will effect your spirit and your soul. For example will you be around positive people... Is the physical environment healthy? Will the work serve your self and the world? Will it add more stress? How will it effect socially? Will it interfere with your beliefs and meaning of life as well as purpose? These questions will lead you to finding more about the subject at hand then worrying over the decision.
Ask your Higher Power to help you answer these questions. Sit quietly and consider the questions that are important to making this decision. And do not worry if you do not get a direct answer.
End the Meditation and sleep on the issues before making your decisions. Let the Power of your subconscious help you.. And look for clarity in your awakening from sleep..

This is extremely useful for anyone... What will you use it for and how did it help you?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"Imagine a life as an assassin, except that the fate of the world rest on how few people you kill.
Welcome to Dishonored(3.5 out of 4 stars.), the thrilling action  title from publisher Bethesda Softworks that mixes stealth combat with a clever selection of tools and power at your disposal.
Dishonored stars a former bodyguard accusing of murdering the Empress . After fleeing prison  and joining a group of loyalists, the assassin plots his revenge. In a clever twist, the world of Dunwall suffers from a deadly rat plague, and the more people that players kill on the Missions, the deadlier the  outbreak gets.
Players use traditional weapons(sword,crossbow) and special powers that allow them to bend time, teleport and even possess a rat to infiltrate a secure area. Detailed environments pave the way  for multiple paths toward completing an objective, making Dishonored an adventure that players will want to revisit over and over again. " - From NewYork Times Newspaper 10/10/2012, By Brett Monlina

The game if you have pre-order it comes with a Tarot deck.  I will be trying it out for the next several days.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Emotional Mind

Sometime meditating.. Our emotions take the best of us.
As such our thoughts or external distractions can make your meditation off track on what you are trying to accomplish.
Labeling our emotions will help us see a pattern thus help us see what we are doing and how we react and how we should react.
Before you begin with this meditation-
Take extra care to ensure that your meditation space is a silent and as comfortable as possible. Review yourself with emotions you are currently aware of as you sit down to meditate.

Sit cross Legged on a cushion with your bottom slightly raised. If you cannot sit cross legged, sit on a chair. Keep your back straight. Your shoulders level and relaxed and your chin parallel to the floor. Lower your eyes and focus about three feet away in front of you. Rest your hands gently on your knees.
Breathe normally through the nose, using your abdomen rather than your chest. Check your posture. And relax any part of your body that is tense.
Lower your eyes and focus about three feet away in front of you. Rest your hands gently on your knees.
Begin counting your breath on each exhale and when you reach to ten begin again.
Notice what emotions arise when thoughts occur. Label the emotion such as Happiness or fear and return to focusing on your breath.
As you meditate accept any emotions taht arise. Begin to notice how emotions can be as ephemeral as your thoughts.
Meditate this way for a week. Notice if you become more aware of your emotions. In your day to day life. See if it becomes easier to accept your emtions perhaps not to be cared away by them.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Finding your totem Animal

Totem animals This has been a subject I have not done in a while. I mean I think the last time I taught this was about two years ago. But anyways. Somethings you may need to learn before you go forth into the meditation.

In shamanic practices I have learned that it is easier to contact your power animal before ancient ones. The totem animals are extremely louder to beginners in shaman outlook. At least it is to me. For others it is a different story. As they are easier to hear they are easier to see. They can come to you as well as speak to you when you wish them to. Or they may come to you on their own. Some people refer them as animal Helpers.

Like ancient ones they are guides. They tell you what you need to know. They give you their immense energy. No shaman would ever go into sacred space without their animal helper. Any questions on this please message me and I will be happy to help you out. They can help you define your dreams as it has happen for me a few times to understand what my dreams meanings are. I find them to be one of the best interpreting ever.

On to meditation. I mediate daily and often meditate with my totem animals usually we meditate together with out speaking unless things bring to need to be speak of.

Step 1.
Close your eyes. Start on your breath. Deeply breath in letting your abdomen rise and fall. I suggest doing this twenty times. Allow yourself to become really relax.

Step 2
Create your sacred place. If you have not done this. I shall explain what a sacred place is. For my students in the past it is used to go to mediate in to relax or to help with depression. I even suggested this to some people with emotional issues. This place is a Nature area it is create by you and only you can enter it. I often imagine my sacred area to be a Waterfall among the woodland area in a Tundra area. Once you have your place. You need to make a connection to your place as you are the place and the place is you.

Step 3
Now once you have done step one and step two. Imagine a path. As you imagine the path way imagine the natural ideals of the place the wind the smell of the air. As you do this go forth and walk down the pathway. It will begin to go down hill slowly. The ground will become hard and small stones in the soul will become more secure as you walk upon the pathway. As you walk down the pathway you will cross a wooden Bridge underneath is a rushing river.

Step 4
As you begin walking on to the bridge you may hear echos. Often my students claim to have heard a steady drum beat. You are getting closer to what you are wishing to reach. Some times my students need to drop something into the river sometimes in respect or they just need to let something go.

Step 5
So you pass the bridge you shall see the path going slightly upward to a large meadow or field. When I first did this It was a wheat field. In the middle of the field is a circle space of short grassland walk towards it and once you reach to the circle of grass area. Place yourself sitting their. Then slowly Whisper For your totem animal to come to you.

Step 6
It may not appear. This sometimes happens if not just relax and enjoy yourself being their. And as such. I believe should try again. But for everyone else. I have had my students come to them from no where as others appear from a distance walking towards them. As it comes to you watch how it walks. Listen if they speak. Observe them carefully.

Yin Breathing

This exercise is very relaxing.
Sit down and rest your right elbow on a table.
Put your right index finger on your forehead,
Between your eyes.

Then close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale until your chest is full.
Then exhale just slowly until all the air has gone.
Now release your right nostril and close your left one.
Using your right middle finger.
Breathe in and out again slowly.
(Repeat this 5 times.)