Saturday, October 13, 2012


The Nix are a type of german Water faerie. These beings are rather hard to find or even get a true glimpse for when someone tries to approach them they dive deap into the waters.
Their is a stroy that says during the 1500's at a Fair in Laibach, germany. everyone their was dancing in teh town square near the foutian and their was a Handsome Young Stranger.

The Stranger joined into the dancing of the people. Those who shook his hand had a werid feeling.. The feeling was of a damp chilling sesnation.
Soon he asked the most flirtaitious Girl nameed ursula to dance with him. Everyone stopped to watch the, dance he was so masterfully and yet so light did the young stanger guided is dance parter with so much grace.
Faster and faster they whirled until the company grew giddy watching them. No one had notice they were getting closer and closer to the edge of the dance are until they were almost at the river.
And SUDDENLY the stranger jumped into the waters holding his partner and Ursual was never seen again. However in the Fisherman have reported of seeing the nix there afte the towns people were weary of any stranger who had a cold grip.
The Nixen are not always fatal although their ariee singing may induce madness and they may take human babes and leave changlings behind. Sometimes they mate with humans and resulting child is called an Urchin .Nixen can occasionally help humans by warning of dangers in the water.
They may also teach those brave enough to brave them to play the fiddle in the manner of teh fae... However to be taught the elf kings tune is doomed to fiddle enternallyunless a friend comes by and cuts the strings off teh vilon. The Nixie is the female counterpart of the Nix she behaviors similiar seductive and threatening fashion to the Nix.
It is worthy of the note that while the females water sprites tend to tempt virtuous men, the male Nixen make off with flightly females. Might there be a double standard here? if so, it is not shared with the water sprities. The point is that nixen and Nixies refelcts our own human sexuality, which can mislead or betray us.
Nixen and Nixies follow their our hearts if we are to find magic. But humans and fairy is always a perilious alliance- make your own music, but shield your mortal ears from song of the nix!

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