Thursday, October 11, 2012

Introduction to meditation

If you are new to meditation... You will feel comfortable here. And if you are experienced mediator you may find renewed inspiration. Whether you have never done a meditation or been meditating for some time, I will be offering you a broad selection of simple to complex meditations to enrich your daily life. As well as deepening your spiritual practices!

Now to start off what is Meditation?

Well before I start my explanation of meditation lets seek for the one who started to teach meditation.. Anyone guess who is most famous for teaching meditation?

Original Meditation was taught by Buddha 2,500 years ago. This was one of the first recorded teaching of mediation in ancient history. All due to the ancient meditation of breathing which is so powerful and effective, it is the basis of some many other meditations. Meditation is a very powerful tool for healing Body, Mind and Spirit.
In my lessons ahead you will learn how to use the power of visualization to promote healing and [prevent illnesses. Such as Struggling with addictions or stress. Unhealed childhood trauma or a loss of a family member. Even to the extent of depression meditation will help you on your healing and discovery journey.
What is your major issue in life?
A few meditations I will teach later on is The meditation of the Great Tree which will help you regain health after an illness.You will soon discover meditation is not just sitting on a cushion! Meditation is simply making a choice to focus your mind on something!
Is reading a book meditation?
Is thinking about a argument you had with someone is that a meditation?
Is watching a Movie meditation?
Every second of your life you are creating or construction your reality through what you think about and what you take in from the environment. Over time you develop habits regarding what you think as well as habits regarding what you take in. Since you are meditating all teh time what are you choosing to meditate? Many spiritual traditions utilize the tendency of human beings.Always be thinking... Taking in information and creating experiences.

They conclude why not consciously focus your mind on positive and beneficial subjects.

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