Thursday, October 11, 2012

Spiritual Decision Making

Manifesting your dreams usually involves you making decisions.

The meditation will help you bring a spiritual perspective to your deliberations,

What this meditation will help you?

  • Helps you make the best decisions
  • Encourages tapping into your higher self
  • Integrating the spiritual and material

As I have said decisions can be stressful and difficult, but less so if you engage your higher power in the process. Expanding your scope to include the effect of your decision on your soul and your spirit helps you make decisions that are right for you.

Try this meditation before going to bed if you have an important decision to make, Write about the issues in your upcoming decisions.

I know I did not finish this post but I will add some more if not all of this mediation tonight or tomorrow.

I saw that some one needs help with meditation and someone has done it over two months... No Matter how long you have done it their is always a new method to try such as this one.

When you about to do this meditation : Write about the issues involved in the upcoming decisions.


Sit on a cushion or chair in your meditation space(If you do not know what this is I will explain it later on). Light a candle(One you believe would be of use to the question you seek). Then invoke your Higher power, whomever or whatever it is. Ask for help in making the desicion you are about to consider.
Bring to mind the decision you need to make. For example Whether or not to apply for a second job.
Go over in your mind the material issues such as Salary, status, and such. Then ask yourself how this will effect your spirit and your soul. For example will you be around positive people... Is the physical environment healthy? Will the work serve your self and the world? Will it add more stress? How will it effect socially? Will it interfere with your beliefs and meaning of life as well as purpose? These questions will lead you to finding more about the subject at hand then worrying over the decision.
Ask your Higher Power to help you answer these questions. Sit quietly and consider the questions that are important to making this decision. And do not worry if you do not get a direct answer.
End the Meditation and sleep on the issues before making your decisions. Let the Power of your subconscious help you.. And look for clarity in your awakening from sleep..

This is extremely useful for anyone... What will you use it for and how did it help you?

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