Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"Imagine a life as an assassin, except that the fate of the world rest on how few people you kill.
Welcome to Dishonored(3.5 out of 4 stars.), the thrilling action  title from publisher Bethesda Softworks that mixes stealth combat with a clever selection of tools and power at your disposal.
Dishonored stars a former bodyguard accusing of murdering the Empress . After fleeing prison  and joining a group of loyalists, the assassin plots his revenge. In a clever twist, the world of Dunwall suffers from a deadly rat plague, and the more people that players kill on the Missions, the deadlier the  outbreak gets.
Players use traditional weapons(sword,crossbow) and special powers that allow them to bend time, teleport and even possess a rat to infiltrate a secure area. Detailed environments pave the way  for multiple paths toward completing an objective, making Dishonored an adventure that players will want to revisit over and over again. " - From NewYork Times Newspaper 10/10/2012, By Brett Monlina

The game if you have pre-order it comes with a Tarot deck.  I will be trying it out for the next several days.

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