Monday, October 15, 2012

History of Numerology

I sometimes use numerology to help others or give advice. I mean we use numbers daily. Don't we?

Numbers do not always express a quantity but also a quality to each individual number. From 0-9. Are really special and commonly know as well. How many have used or asked for a numerology reading before?

Some ideal cultures use numerology. Such as I Ching which is Japanese. It use nine number into something called a magic box. Also used in feng shui. Tarot cards we all know have numerical value to them. The Qabalah also use numbers which is Hebrew/Jewish. Can you think of other things used in the occult or daily use for numerology? I know I can :)

Pythagoras was one of the first people I know who used numerology. And we thought it was just about a triangle.... He taught a lot of people about numerology. During then his teaching were called philosophy and Mysticism. Later on it came to Pluto the philosopher to study and teach them as well. And so forth.

One of Pythagoras theories was about numbers and how they effect the universe.

He saw that the universe was a vibration. And a example he made was with music. When I first studying his material and came upon this. I was amused that I never made connections with music and the universe. As we all know energy is a vibration of sorts. so in that case. The universe is made of vibrations. But what do vibrations and numerology have in similar?

Pythagoras discovered that music was govern by numbers and that which makes the pitch/tone in music or song. Their are eight notes not including the flat or sharp. That adds more to the existence of numbers. For those who do not play or no musical terms.Sharp and Flat are two other tones that create a different effect to the existing tone.

But with his theory each note is used by a ratio or number to make a sound.

Nature has a lot of math in it self. A lot of people do not notice it but everything in nature as some patter. Take a shell for example... You can count each of the parts or sides etc and find that it follow a pattern. It is geometry in the finest forms.

A geometrical land mark such as the Stone hedge in England. There are 56 pits they are commonly referred as "Aubrey Holes". If you use numerology 56=5+6=11. 11 is a very powerful and influential number and this number often gives and is known for it unique ability for inspiration.

I have learned a lot with mixing numerology and astrology together. often is the most common readings I do. I learned a good portion of this from someone named Sepharail.

In Hebrew Numerology they use numbers from 1-12. I found that if you multiple 3 and 4. It makes since why Hebrews find 12 sacred. Three is the Holy Trinity And Four is of the four basic element of Nature and life.

And 12 is a very common number now a days. 12 numbers on the face of a clock, astrology and so forth.

Something I have always pondered and have yet to find the answer. Could numerology give the number of when we die? 

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