Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Emotional Mind

Sometime meditating.. Our emotions take the best of us.
As such our thoughts or external distractions can make your meditation off track on what you are trying to accomplish.
Labeling our emotions will help us see a pattern thus help us see what we are doing and how we react and how we should react.
Before you begin with this meditation-
Take extra care to ensure that your meditation space is a silent and as comfortable as possible. Review yourself with emotions you are currently aware of as you sit down to meditate.

Sit cross Legged on a cushion with your bottom slightly raised. If you cannot sit cross legged, sit on a chair. Keep your back straight. Your shoulders level and relaxed and your chin parallel to the floor. Lower your eyes and focus about three feet away in front of you. Rest your hands gently on your knees.
Breathe normally through the nose, using your abdomen rather than your chest. Check your posture. And relax any part of your body that is tense.
Lower your eyes and focus about three feet away in front of you. Rest your hands gently on your knees.
Begin counting your breath on each exhale and when you reach to ten begin again.
Notice what emotions arise when thoughts occur. Label the emotion such as Happiness or fear and return to focusing on your breath.
As you meditate accept any emotions taht arise. Begin to notice how emotions can be as ephemeral as your thoughts.
Meditate this way for a week. Notice if you become more aware of your emotions. In your day to day life. See if it becomes easier to accept your emtions perhaps not to be cared away by them.

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