Thursday, October 11, 2012


As we all know October is the tenth month in the year. It was originally the eighth month( octo ) of the roman solar calendar.
October is and was known to be sacred to Mars, who is a well known Roman God of war.
Flowers - Cosmos and caledula/marigold.
Birthstones - opal and tourmaline
Goddesses - Hathor and Demeter.  
Zodiacs - Libra and Scorpio,

Other Respects for this month is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Lupus Awareness Month, National Diabetes Month, National Vegetarian Month, Sarcastic Month, Seafood Month.

October 1st
Day of Inspecting: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. It is dealing with fertility from what I recall.
Sacred Day to Fides: Roman holy day. Worship of Fides, the Roman Goddess of faithfulness. This was a very good time to have treaties made. And good to do spells dealing with friends or with someone who is bitter towards you.
World Vegetarian Day - Started in 1977. It is to promote eating fruits and vegtables. As well as to promote others to become vegitarian's.
October 2nd
Columbus Day -October 12, 1492 is when made land to America. It is a day of observation.
October 3rd
Day of the Landing: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. This is a day which Isis and Nephthys are heard weeping over the death of Osiris. It is a day of reppect to Isis and her brother/lover Osiris,
Feast of Dionysus: Roman holy day. Based on the Greek Dionysius. Celebration of wine and theater. Often giving wine to teh gods on this day is often seen.
Ieiunium Cereri - is a day of fasting in respect of Ceres.

(information from

October Magic
 Following the pattern started in September, October. Throughout the month, festivals for the dead increase with the waning light, and late harvest festivals continue. The latter often include propitiation to ensure that the Goddess's abundance will keep people whole through harsh or barren times.

Magical efforts accentuated by October's characteristics include clearing away old, unnecessary things or habits so that our mind, body, and spirit are prepared for winter. Any spells for memory, especially commemorating loved ones, are apt. Beyond this, metaphysical efforts for health, luck, and debt paying seem common, ensuring that winter, the season of rest and death, will come and go with the least negative effect.

(365 Goddesses Patricia Telesco)

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